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From sewing centers in Pakistan, to Christian Farmers Associations in Zambia, to schools and a clinic in Haiti, we are thrilled to be part of initiatives that are helping people overcome extreme poverty. Thanks to the tremendous generosity of supporters, giving has increased significantly since last year! This quarterly chart shows how especially during the first half of 2023, we were well ahead of what was raised in the first two quarters of 2022.

With #GivingTuesday on November 28 fast approaching, our aim is to raise a further $45,000 so each of our partners can end the year fully funded. Here's how you can help:

  • Go to our "What We Do" page

  • Scroll down to "Our Projects" and choose one that resonates with you

  • Share about that project with some friends

  • Pray for the people involved and that the project would be fully funded

  • Make a one-time or monthly donation by clicking on the "donate now" link.

  • Share this blog post with others

  • Follow us on Facebook and Instagram @BrightHopeCanada

There are countless great causes being promoted this time of year. If none of our initiatives quite align with your priorities for giving, we'd be more than happy to introduce you to some other great organizations doing similar work. We'd also love to interact further with you about our own work if you have any insights or questions. Please feel free to send us an email at or give us a call at 1-833-876-2438!


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